Instruction in GYMNASTICS
Ages 18 months and older




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KiDS body shop ~ Gymnastics KinderGym

Our KinderGym class is aimed at children who are 3 yrs. through 5 yrs. of age. A beginner class that is designed to introduce gymnasts to stretching, muscle strength, conditioning, basic gymnastics skills, the safe use of gymnastics equipment, and proper fundaments of gymnastics skill execution.

Students meet one day a week for 1 hour.  A student must be turning 3 years old within the same week of starting the KinderGym class, be capable of following simple instructions, and be fully potty trained (no pull-ups). If a student is unable to be independent (dressing/undressing) in the restrooms, 1 parent/guardian must remain on the premises to assist the child.

The concept of our program is to develop self-confidence, coordination, strength, and the ability to participate in group activities. We do all this while teaching them to have a good time being physically active. KiDS is one of the best equipped gyms in the Midwest. They tumble, vault, use the balance beams, mini-tramp, uneven bars, single bars, parallel bars, and rings. In addition, we have a trampoline, and a tumble trac to practice basis jumping skills and gymnastics body positions.  Besides being fun, our foam pit is used for simple gymnastics skills and conditioning.  

Adults may view class through our viewing windows in the lobby. Once your child is comfortable in our gym situation, you may feel free to leave the facility and return after class to pick him/her up. If you do choose to leave the facility, please inform your child to wait with his or her teacher until you return. There is a sign-out sheet located at the front desk for parents to leave an emergency phone number. 



All customers wishing to register must first set up an account in our Customer Portal, agree to our current Policies and Procedures and sign Waivers.  Your credit card must also be saved for future billing purposes. 

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© 2017 KiDS body shop
402.339.4009 * contact
1219 North Monroe, Papillion, NE 68046